Ten Steps To Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain, & Jaw Disorders
Meet Cynthia

Cynthia first job out of physical therapy school in 1990, she helped teach a Jaw School, Neck School & Back School for our patients. I noticed that patients usually got better faster & stayed better longer when they attended and understood the bigger picture. They were empowered with tools to start identifying & addressing the root causes of their pains and problems.
Cynthia wrote The TMJ Healing Plan: Ten Steps to Relieving Headaches, Neck Pain, and Jaw Disorders to share this transformational knowledge with awesome people like YOU with the goal of easing and preventing the suffering of chronic pains & problems that are all too prevalent.
Cynthia’s work has focused on head, neck and jaw disorders, breathing, airway and teaching healthy postures and rest position of the mandible to optimize health and the function of bodily systems.
Cynthias is a Certified Specialist in Orofacial Myology, Ergonomics, and Craniosacral Therapy with additional training in osteopathy, visceral manipulation, cranial and infant CST as it relates to breast feeding. A breath re-educator, Cynthia has trained in Buteyko, Restorative Breathing, Dynamic Functional Cranial Nerve Assessment, Primal Reflex Release, Rhythmic movement & reflex integration. Cynthia is also trained in Stecco fascial manipulation, dry needling, and the cold laser.
Cynthia is a published researcher, creator & co-founder of www.fairest.org; dedicated to developing Functional AIRway Evaluation Screening Tools and making them freely available to improve the early identification & treatment of airway related disorders.
Cynthia owns a private practice www.CynthiaPetersonPT.com that treats all ages & is passionate about identifying & addressing root causes for faster longer lasting results.
Cynthia loves dark chocolate, sunshine and would like to learn to Swiss yodel like her grandma.

About the Book
Of all the joints in your body, there are only 2 that most doctors refuse to treat and most insurance companies refuse to cover. If you guessed jaw joints, you are correct.
Those jaw joints are technically referred to as your TMJ’s and problems with them can include symptoms such as
- Headaches
- Painful jaw joints
- Difficulty opening or closing the mouth
- Clicking or locking jaws
- Ear pain, stuffiness, or ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Neck, shoulder, or facial pain
- Tooth grinding or clenching, and morning jaw aches.
- Breathing and sleep problems
Though these complaints are common, the average sufferer sees an average of 6.9 providers before getting the help they need. While there is no one-size-fits-all remedy, this book offers safe, proven tools you can begin using right away to improve your condition.
This book makes a complicated topic as fun and easy to digest as possible with stories and over 50 photos or illustrations and teaches healthy habits that are good for everyone! Plus, the PoTSBTLCSz acronym to make it easy to remember the healthy healing habits you will learn all about.
So whether you are suffering and want to get your life back or you just want to live a healthier and happier life and learn how to improve your breathing, sleep, posture, and the function of your head, neck and jaw…this book can help!